Tutors meet with the school Flexible Learning Co-ordinator

Course content support

Wolsey Hall offers regular video meetings between the Wolsey Hall Tutors and the school’s Flexible Learning Co-ordinator (FLC) and/or your school's Subject Specialist (SS) to provide targeted content support for each course module. These meetings enhance the understanding of the courses and materials, enabling school staff to better support their students.

Tutors meet with School staff to help the FLC facilitate the courses with the students

Facilitating the courses

Through additional support, the Flexible Learning Co-ordinator (FLC)/Subject Specialist (SS) can gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter, enabling them to provide more comprehensive explanations and guidance to the students when needed.

This direct interaction with Wolsey Hall Tutors bridges knowledge gaps, builds confidence in facilitating the online courses, and fosters a collaborative relationship between the Tutor and the FLC/SS.
Support for Schools

I am a student at the Mallorca Tutoring Academy and attend every day of the week. I use Canvas to do the Wolsey Hall work from a distance and have on-hand support from the MTA tutors. I find this really useful because I have good support to choose from. There are also some excellent and interesting videos and activities included, which help me if I have any problems with my course material. Wolsey Hall also helps the Academy because they can offer more courses. I am very pleased that I have been able to open up new opportunities for my learning. Working with MTA and Wolsey Hall means that I always have plenty of support both in person and online.

Max – a student at Mallorca Tutoring Academy

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