Support provided by Wolsey Hall for Schools

Support for Schools

At Wolsey Hall we understand that the success of any learning programme depends on providing first class support to both your school staff and students.

Wolsey Hall Tutors provide support to School staff and students

Wolsey Hall Tutors

We believe we’ve assembled the most experienced and well-qualified team of online tutors in the world to provide support for schools with our hybrid online courses.

We have over 170 UK-trained and experienced tutors in our team who are all specialists in their subjects and at the levels at which they teach.

All our tutors are chosen for their academic excellence, their passion for their subjects and their desire to inspire this passion in their students.

Student interactions with Tutors

Your students will have a designated tutor for each of their courses who will assess, grade and provide detailed feedback on their assignments within five days.

At the end of each course module or block of learning, your students will submit an assignment to their Wolsey Hall tutor via the learning platform. This is a chance for them to consolidate their understanding of the learning material covered to date. Your students will be alerted when a marked assignment is ready to view.

Wolsey Hall tutors use our learning platform to grade and send feedback on student assignments, as well as to respond to messages from a student.
Wolsey Hall Tutors provide support to School staff and students
Support for Schools includes support from our School Progress supervisors

Effective partnership

Our experience of working with schools over the years has shown that a hybrid learning system works best when there is an effective working partnership between the school and Wolsey Hall.

Key to providing this support for schools are the roles of the Schools Progress Supervisor (SPS) and the school-based Flexible Learning Co-ordinator (FLC).

School Progress Supervisor

At the start of your School programme you will be assigned a Schools Progress Supervisor who will be your School’s key point of contact with Wolsey Hall. The SPS will be in regular contact with your School to help ensure that your students are on track with their courses and ensure that your courses are running smoothly.

The SPS will also prepare an assignment schedule for your students at the start of the programme showing when each of their assignments is due. The Wolsey Hall SPS will liaise regularly with the School’s Flexible Learning Co-ordinator (FLC) and will act as a mentor and coach to the FLC.
Reviewing progress
Support for schools includes liaison between the school and a Wolsey Hall designated School progress supervisor
The Flexible Learning Co-ordinator is an important role within the school

Flexible Learning Co-ordinator (FLC)

The School must designate a Flexible Learning Co-ordinator – a member of School staff who will act as the first point of contact for students and parents at the school.

The role of the Flexible Learning Co-ordinator (FLC) is essential in ensuring a strong working partnership between your School, Wolsey Hall and your students.
The role of the Flexible Learning Co-ordinator
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